Friday, October 26, 2012

What's In A Name?

Maybe we should rename her "Lava"... Because she's still molten. Molting. Get it?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Downside

Downside of large, molting bird hanging out on your patio. We fondly call her poophen (as opposed to peahen).

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Poophen Would Be More Accurate

The only real downside of having such a large bird take up residence on your back patio - the poop. But she sure is beautiful, isn't she?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sent By A Friend

And Then, There Were Two

Not peahens, but feathers.

Summer Fence has dropped two more large plumes from her left wing in the past two days.

As of today, there are only two large feathers left.

Reading up on peafowl online.

The birds molt in June, July and August so although we've only seen her lose feathers from the left wing since she's been here, it's possible she lost other feathers throughout the summer. It's also possible the blood was simply from a blood feather - not an injury.

By all other accounts, the peahen appears healthy. She eats (and poops) and sleeps. She grazes in the lawn and takes dust baths.

And poops some more.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Play It Again, Sissy

Sissy went from spying on Summer Fence to entertaining her. Not sure whether the peahen could actually hear the keyboard through our double-pane windows, but she sure seemed to be listening!